Monday, February 11, 2013

The Super Tortoise wins the race.

I am not now, nor have I ever been the essence of patience.
I have often been compared to a wild horse rearing against the process of being broken. The bridle almost failing to constrain me, as foam and sweat fly in my attempt to be free. I would not classify myself as rebellious. Just....well....pleasantly strong willed and driven.  This forces me to acknowledge that even Super Heroes have a list of character flaws. Impatience so happens to be at the top of mine.
So that brings me to this past week. Where not only have my muscles been stretched, but my mind and my heart has as well.
Five weeks ago I finally acknowledged that my thighs resembled the surface structure of the moon, and my muffin top was morphing into a wedding cake. My old foe Obesity, who I had previously ninja kicked out of my life, had not only decided to take up residence on my couch, but had changed all the food in my fridge...primarily to chocolate. How evil!
It was time.
I dusted off my cape, pulled up my hair and began to train.
 Now, I must tell you. I honestly do not have the power to stop a moving train. Wish I did, but God did not equip me with those powers. I can however, resemble a train in my tenacity. Meaning, once I'm on a certain track,  my wheels start turning, and the boilers become hotter and hotter. At that point is very difficult to slow me down. So, in my great and wonderful wisdom I decided to hit it hard. I was already tracking my food, and eating clean, but I reminded myself in the most arrogant of manners, that I had defeated the villain Obesity once, it would now be a cake walk...ooh cake...(cough) I digress. Any way, I pulled out the most favored of my technological Super equipment (my IPhone) and downloaded an app to help me run a 5k in five days. OK, it was probably not five days, but that was really all the time I needed. After having mastered the elliptical nine years ago, one week of P90x four years ago, Just Dance for the Wii, and an on again/off again relationship with Hip Hop Abs, I just knew I was ready to run.
So I began.
 I ran, I conquered, I immediately developed runners knee.
This was NOT my plan. My plan was to become as amazing as possible, as quick as I could.
The fact that my body at this point in time has Fibromyalgia, that I was 55 lbs over weight, and had never, and I mean never ran in my life was of little consequence to me. My heart was ready to start spelunking, my body was laughingly, suggesting hop scotch.
I just loved moving so much, but by the grace of God, I slowed down. I started to read about how to train slowly and efficiently. The first thing I found out is, as with any Super Hero, the shoes you train in are a crucial part in the effectiveness of your run. So being as I don't have a Morgan Freeman making gadgets for me in the basement of my house, I hot footed it to Ross, and proceeded to buy a beautifully, discounted pair of Puma Faas 500. I also decided to make an appointment with a local sports Physical Therapist, and started studying how to stretch your quads to strengthen the muscles surrounding your knees.
So, all that brings me back to this week.
This week, I started walking. An easy, enjoy how my body is feeling, wind is blowing walk.
 Roughly 38 days after starting, I have lost 3 inches in my hips, 3.5 inches in my waist, 2.5 inches in my thighs, and 8 lbs of fat.
 I did gain though.
What I gained is a deeper appreciation of studying, a new found mercy for my goals, and an untapped super ability to savor life slowly.  Proving once again, the timeless truth, my new found truth, the Super Tortoise wins the race.
One day I will run...just not today.

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